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HCSC 2024 - Forensic 7.


After a successful first attack phase, hackers worked to create some kind of persistence and functionality that would lead them to their goal. Let’s go to hunt for loaders, trojans and payloads! First we need a loader, what is the full path where it was copied to and its original name?

(example: hcsc{C:\path\to\loader.exe_origname.extension})



By analyzing the PowerShell Operational events identified in the previous challenge, we can find an important command that copies GamingMonitor.exe to the C:\Users\Public\ folder. In addition, we can find the file itself in this folder on the given machine.

GamingMonitor.exe PowerShell Event Log

Creating Scriptblock text (1 of 1):
$hash_file = @{
  "bc376aa41907297e1730e57bc7f2d28959fc2808" = @{
    "target" = "C:\Users\Public\GamingMonitor.exe";
    "src_basename" = "GamingMonitor.exe";
    "dst" = "C:\Users\Public\GamingMonitor.exe"

Function Cleanup($disposable) {
  if (($disposable -ne $null) -and ($disposable.GetType().GetMethod("Dispose") -ne $null)) {

Function Check-Files($h) {
  return $h.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
    $dst = Unresolve-Path $
    $dst_changed = $false
    if(Test-Path $dst -PathType Container) {
      $dst_changed = $true
      $dst = Join-Path $dst $_.Value.src_basename
    New-Object psobject -Property @{
      chk_exists = ($exists = Test-Path $dst -PathType Leaf)
      src_sha1 = ($sMd5 = $_.Key)
      dst_sha1 = ($dMd5 = if ($exists) { Get-SHA1Sum $dst } else { $null })
      chk_dirty = ($dirty = if ($sMd5 -ne $dMd5) { $true } else { $false })
      verifies = if ($dirty -eq $false) { $true } else { $false }
      target_is_folder = $dst_changed
  } | Select-Object -Property chk_exists,src_sha1,dst_sha1,chk_dirty,verifies,target_is_folder

Function Get-SHA1Sum($src) {
  Try {
    $c = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1]::Create()
    $bytes = $c.ComputeHash(($in = (Get-Item $src).OpenRead()))
    return ([System.BitConverter]::ToString($bytes)).Replace("-", "").ToLower()
  Finally {
    Cleanup $c
    Cleanup $in

Function Unresolve-Path($path) {
  if ($path -eq $null) {
    return $null
  else {
    return $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($path)

Check-Files $hash_file | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation

if (!$?) { if($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } else { exit 1 } }

In C:\Users\Public\GamingMonitor.exe, right click on Properties and under Details the Original filename property will give the second half of the answer (MahSmallApp1.dll).

GamingMonitor.exe properties

Flag: hcsc{C:\Users\Public\GamingMonitor.exe_MahSmallApp1.dll}