HCSC 2024 - Not a bad day
Egyik nap borzasztó fejfájással ébredtem! Mi történt tegnap…? A fene tudja. Csak azt tudom, hogy felkeltem és eltűnt a flag a gépemről. Tudnál segíteni? Segíts, hogy legalább a mai napom legyen egy jobb nap. 😊
Készítői kommentek:
- a megoldáshoz szerver oldali brute-force nem szükséges
- VPN kapcsolat szükséges
- a challenge egyetlen porton fut
Flag formátum: HCSC24{...}
Hint 1 (cost 225): Hogy hol élek? 10.10.1-9.10:61370! Mi vagyok? Szólíts meg, jellegzetes a beköszönésem. Meow! Ja bocs, szeretem a macskás képeket.
- Tags:
- Points:
- Number of solvers:
- Filename: -
The challenge was running on 10.10.(1-9).10:61370
Nmap says that the service is nbd
(network block device). We can use nbd-client
and dd
to copy the content of the remote disk
$ nbd-client -p 61370
$ sudo dd if=/dev/nbd0 of=image bs=1
$ file image
disk: Linux rev 1.0 ext4 filesystem data, UUID=a95232e0-bdab-4c7e-840a-903aa52adc7c, volume name "notabadday" (extents) (64bit) (large files) (huge files)
It is an ext4
filesystem, we can extract it with binwalk
, however, we are only going to find a bunch of images of cats.
There might be some deleted files. We can use extundelete
or photorec
to recover deleted files:
$ photorec image
$ ls recup_dir.1
f0017094.elf f0017556.elf f0018078.elf f0018466.elf f0018910.elf f0019292.elf f0019686.elf f0020080.elf f0024578.elf f0024944.elf f0025330.elf f0025702.elf f0026120.elf f0026508.elf f0026898.elf f0027266.elf
f0017216.elf f0017658.elf f0018164.elf f0018580.elf f0019010.elf f0019388.elf f0019794.elf f0020188.elf f0024668.elf f0025032.elf f0025414.elf f0025822.elf f0026204.elf f0026600.elf f0026972.elf f0027358.elf
f0017316.elf f0017788.elf f0018282.elf f0018712.elf f0019100.elf f0019478.elf f0019874.elf f0020270.elf f0024766.elf f0025154.elf f0025510.elf f0025932.elf f0026310.elf f0026690.elf f0027078.elf report.xml
f0017430.elf f0017926.elf f0018376.elf f0018808.elf f0019208.elf f0019586.elf f0019990.elf f0020364.elf f0024862.elf f0025242.elf f0025608.elf f0026028.elf f0026412.elf f0026780.elf f0027178.elf
We got a few ELF files. If we execute them, each of them prints a number and a character. If we order the numbers, we get the flag.
$ ./f0018466.elf
12: s
0: H
1: C
2: S
3: C
4: 2
5: 4
6: {
7: n
8: b
9: d
10: _
11: 1
12: s
13: _
14: 4
15: _
16: S
17: i
18: C
19: K
20: _
21: S
22: y
23: S
24: 4
25: d
26: m
27: 1
28: n
29: _
30: t
31: 0
32: 0
33: l
34: _
35: f
36: 0
37: r
38: _
39: r
40: 3
41: m
42: 0
43: t
44: 3
45: _
46: 0
47: s
48: _
49: 1
50: n
51: 5
52: 7
53: a
54: l
55: l
56: 4
57: t
58: 1
59: 0
60: n
61: }
During the competition I extracted the ELF files manually using dd
because first I noticed the ELF
header in the hexdump
and luckily after each ELF
file there was a JPG image with the JFIF
The official write-up by MJ
is available at: https://github.com/NIK-SOC/hcsc_2024_mj/tree/main/ctf-not_a_bad_day
Flag: HCSC24{nbd_1s_4_SiCK_SyS4dm1n_t00l_f0r_r3m0t3_0s_1n57all4t10n}