HCSC 2024 - ThereOTT
Töltsd le a legújabb alkalmazásomat és szórakozz a legújabb beteg mémeken! 🤪
Sajna semmi se fenékig tejfel, nyilván ezt a szolgáltatást is elkezdték támadni a script kiddiek. És bár a backendem szupergyors, ez okozott némi kimaradást, mivel a kiszolgált videók elég nagyok és elszaturálták a linkemet. Ezért egy forradalmi DDoS védelmi megoldással álltam elő! Eddig tökéletesen működött, SENKI sem tudta feltörni. De ha neked mégis sikerülne, akkor egy tonna dellát ajánlok figyelmedbe challenge pontok formájában! Van egy /flag
végpont a lelkes bughuntereknek. Küldj rá egy sikeres kérést, küldd el a bizonyítékot, és keresd meg a bugbounty manit!
Még egy boilerplate kódot is adok neked, ez az állapot még a DDoS protection implementálása előtt működött. Ezt kell módosítanod, hogy pontokban gazdag legyél!
import requests
url = "http://replacehost:replaceport"
def main():
r = requests.post(url + "/flag", data="flag")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Készítői kommentek:
- a megoldáshoz szerver oldali brute-force nem szükséges
- a megoldáshoz fizikai Android telefonnal rendelkezni nem szükséges
- az alkalmazás nem kártékony, futtathatod bármilyen eszközön, ha úgy érzed, hogy ez feltétlenül szükséges
- VPN kapcsolat szükséges
- A jelenlegi
sha256sum hash-e:d00ec897ffe66d102e47d7cb399ed84075fe96859c190904b49943e08a1d1d2f
- a challenge egyetlen porton fut
Hasznos lehet:
- https://github.com/skylot/jadx
- https://developer.android.com/studio/run/emulator
- https://apktool.org/
- https://frida.re/docs/android/
- https://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/android/docs/tools/help/logcat.html
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.openvpn.openvpn&hl=en&gl=US
Flag formátum: HCSC24{...}
Hint 1 (cost 200): Láttad a binárisokat? Lehet nem akarod te azt statikusan visszafejteni.
- Tags:
- Points:
- Number of solvers:
- Filename:
If we decompile the APK in jadx-gui
we can see in the AndroidManifest.xml
that the MainActivity
is hu.honeylab.hcsc.hereott.MainActivity
There is also a hu.honeylab.hcsc.hereott.UtilsJNI
class referencing a native genSignature
method from antiskid
package hu.honeylab.hcsc.thereott;
/* loaded from: classes.dex */
public abstract class UtilsJNI {
static {
public static native String genSignature(String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, String str5, String str6);
In u4.e.l()
method we can see a call to this genSignature
String valueOf = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
MainActivity mainActivity = this.f8464v;
String genSignature = UtilsJNI.genSignature("GET", mainActivity.G, "", "x-tott-app-id:hu.honeylab.hcsc.thereott,x-tott-app-name:thereott", "", valueOf);
String str3 = this.f8465w + mainActivity.G;
this.f8461s = valueOf;
this.f8462t = genSignature;
this.f8463u = 1;
obj = MainActivity.g(mainActivity, str3, valueOf, genSignature, this);
is /api/video.mp4
and the valueOf
variable is the current time in milliseconds so we know all parameters given to UtilsJNI.genSignature()
Let’s install the application on an emulator, proxy the traffic with Burp and see what happens:
GET /api/video.mp4 HTTP/1.1
x-timestamp: 1714142417096
x-signature: ObCe/zUJGXmH/eUE5bsPUHVELok=
x-tott-app-id: hu.honeylab.hcsc.thereott
x-tott-app-name: ThereOtt
Connection: close
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
User-Agent: okhttp/4.9.3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 14:55:13 GMT
Content-Length: 41
Connection: close
request is sent to /api/video.mp4
with four interesting headers and we get back a URL to a video, which is downloaded and played by the application.
Here I thought the signature generation was the important part and I completely forgot the boilerplate code given in the description. I started reverse engineering the two native binaries libantiskid.so
and libutils.so
. The libutils.so
is used by libantiskid.so
to generate the signature which is basically an HMAC-SHA1
and it was written in Go
. It was a pain in the ass to reverse engineer and for some reason I could not hook the internal native functions with frida
(only some). I though that this challenge should not be this hard, so I went back to the backend and ran feroxbuster
$ feroxbuster -u
204 GET 0l 0w 0c Auto-filtering found 404-like response and created new filter; toggle off with --dont-filter
301 GET 2l 3w 43c =>
404 GET 1l 4w 19c Auto-filtering found 404-like response and created new filter; toggle off with --dont-filter
400 GET 86l 205w 2022c
There is a /flag
(which is also suggested by the given boilerplate code). However, we cannot get or post the endpoint because it requires a valid signature. If the signature is not correct the server sends a 400 Bad Request
Here we have to paths: understand the signature generation and reimplement it (the hard way) or reuse the existing functions and call them with frida
(the easy way).
We already know some of the parameters needed to generate the signature:
"GET", // method
"/api/video.mp4", // path
"", // unknown (maybe the query string)
"x-tott-app-id:hu.honeylab.hcsc.thereott,x-tott-app-name:thereott", // some headers
"", // unknown (maybe the request data in case of POST)
timestamp // timestamp, has to be equal to the x-timestamp header
Let’s create a frida
script which calls this method with some parameters and prints out the result (we need to use POST
as suggested by the boilerplate code, but the backend also hints this):
Java.perform(function() {
var utilsjni = Java.use('hu.honeylab.hcsc.thereott.UtilsJNI')
console.log(utilsjni.genSignature("GET", "/flag", "", "x-tott-app-id:hu.honeylab.hcsc.thereott,x-tott-app-name:thereott", "", "1"))
Start the application and then:
$ frida -U -F -l hook.js
. . . . Connected to Android Emulator 5554 (id=emulator-5554)
[Android Emulator 5554::ThereOTT ]->
We have a signature. Now we can repeat the previous request and Burp, we just have to modify the request (method, path, headers). However, the answer is:
Almost! :) But be sure to post "flag" to this endpoint
It seems that we have to use POST
and the body should contain flag
Java.perform(function() {
var utilsjni = Java.use('hu.honeylab.hcsc.thereott.UtilsJNI')
console.log(utilsjni.genSignature("POST", "/flag", "", "x-tott-app-id:hu.honeylab.hcsc.thereott,x-tott-app-name:thereott", "flag", "1"))
Let’s run it again, change the headers, profit!
POST /flag HTTP/1.1
x-timestamp: 1
x-signature: wqB5FlhLbQ1Dl/X+dn5Pn4dW3F4=
x-tott-app-id: hu.honeylab.hcsc.thereott
x-tott-app-name: ThereOtt
Connection: close
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
User-Agent: okhttp/4.9.3
Content-Length: 4
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 14:55:27 GMT
Content-Length: 34
Connection: close
The official write-up by MJ
is available at: https://github.com/NIK-SOC/hcsc_2024_mj/tree/main/ctf-thereott
Flag: HCSC24{3v3n_n@t1v3s_c4n_b3_h00k3d}